What Is Baby Listening™ & What Are My Learning Options?

Unlock your baby’s needs from day one and feel confident throughout their first year!

Why do so many parents struggle with sleep? It’s because they’re taught the wrong approach to newborn care. Avoid those sleep and feeding myths that you’ll have to unteach later on.

Join my Baby Listening™ Intensive course and discover how your newborn will tell you exactly what they need. Hunger, comfort, tummy pain AND SLEEP! — you’ll know it all!

Choose the best learning option for you:

➡️ Sleep Coaching – for 4 month old to little big kids: Starting from USD $350

➡️ Baby Listening™ Language – FROM BIRTH to that 4th month! USD $289.99

Sign up today and trust your baby’s cues!

What Is Baby Listening™?

Did you know that your baby is talking to you or that they can express over 20 needs to you from birth? It almost sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? That being said, the research dates back to 1998 and the number of babies being understood  since this was introduced to the public has revolutionized parenting around the world by teaching parents how to decode their baby’s language at birth.

When I pioneered the holistic pediatric sleep coaching practice in The Philippines back in 2015, I also practiced this with my own son & saw how when taught by an instructor, your parenting world gets a dose of magic! I then became an instructor myself to show parents that a baby has EVERYTHING needed for good sleep, good feeding and up to 25 other needs from birth…you just need to know how to parent through them effectively & watch the magic happen!

Baby Listening™ or learning this secret language of babies provides you with fundamental yet life-changing, pieces of the parenting puzzle backed by 8 years of research & now over 1 million babies being heard. There is nothing else like this coded language in existence that is able to harness secure attachment parenting principles from day one.

When learning Baby Listening™ during the 0-4 month learning window, guiding your baby to sleep is less of a mystery as your baby is literally speaking to you about a lot more than just sleep. Learn what true baby-led feeding, sleeping, burping, sucking & so much more on true demand actually sounds like! When singing up, you will discover how to decode up to 25 needs from birth and how to parent as a team for increased attachment & of course, more sleep!


  • Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights: Learn how to read your baby’s signals and avoid the stress of guesswork!
  • Unlock Your Baby’s Needs from Day One: No more confusion—your newborn will tell you exactly what they need!
  • Stop Wasting Time on Outdated Myths: Skip the struggle with feeding and sleep advice that doesn’t work.
  • Feel Empowered, Not Exhausted: Gain confidence in understanding your baby’s cues, so you can truly enjoy your first year together!
  • Immediate Results: Start applying Baby Listening™ techniques today and see the difference by tonight!

“ There are currently no other published academic or medical papers that we are aware of that invalidates our findings anywhere in the world.”

©Baby Listening™ – Australia.

What You’ll Discover in this Baby Listening™ Course?

Invest in Better Sleep from the Start!

  • Baby Listening™ 4-Hour Course (Starting from USD $89.99): Learn how to prevent sleep issues before they start—giving your baby healthy sleep habits from birth. A small investment for a lifetime of better sleep!
  • 2 Week Sleep Coaching (USD $350+): If sleep problems are already an issue, this intensive coaching will help fix existing challenges from the age of 4 months—but why wait until problems arise?

The smarter choice? Start with Baby Listening™ and set your baby up for peaceful sleep from day one!


  • Cutting-Edge Parenting Techniques based on the latest research.
  • Decoding 25 Newborn Needs — understand and support your baby’s cues in real-time.
  • Better Family Sleep with proven Baby Listening™ strategies and sleep practices.
  • Optimized Breastfeeding for a smoother feeding journey.
  • Strengthened Bonding and Attachment for a secure parent-child connection.
  • Natural Newborn Routines designed by your baby’s needs, not rigid schedules.
  • Less Crying during the challenging 6-8 week development peak.
  • Confident Parenting from birth through the first year—guided by your baby!


Baby Listening™ is the art of parenting through connection & attachment from your core centered self!


When Learning your baby’s secret language with me, the more you understand each other, the more effectively you are able to meet your infant’s needs. The more your parenting environment becomes more relaxed with more secure bonding the more content your baby will be!


What Do Other Mamas Have To Say About It?

FAQ About Baby Listening™

This approach ignores the needs of babies less than 4 months & the aim is to delay responses to your newborn’s cues. Evidence shows limited efficacy, the aim is still to leave the room for longer durations of time despite your baby crying.

With Baby Listening™, this is never done. Baby Listening™ is baby-led all the way, teaching you to hone your parenting instincts based on the most up to date, latest research in the field. Your baby’s needs come first simply because you baby is telling you what they need.

(Middlemiss, Wendy & Stevens, Helen & Ridgway, Lael & Mcdonald, Susan & Koussa, Michelle. (2017). Response-based sleep intervention: Helping infants sleep without making them cry. Early Human Development. 108. 49-57. 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2017.03.008.)

There are currently no other published academic or medical papers that we are aware of that invalidates our findings anywhere in the world. (Baby Listening™ Australia.)

YES! Only if you have learnt it before they reach their 4th month. (For preemie, please use the adjusted age).

When needs are deemed as being unmet when expressed, secure attachment foundations are weakened in the parent-baby relationship.

This can lead to more rapid escalation to crying.

Many parents can feel confused from all the guesswork required during these early stages of life. When this misinterpretation happens on a continued basis, you as a parent can begin to feel frustrated from the moments of continuous crying cycles when your newborn feels that their needs are going un-answered.

These moments can put self-doubt in our parenting abilities not to mention being exhausting.

Demonstrated that ignoring a baby’s needs caused raised levels of cortisol in their saliva. This raised level continued to be present when the babies no longer showed signs of behavioural distress. Their behaviour had been eliminated yet their physiological distress was still present when the stress hormone was measured. What does this mean? Babies who are ignored are not learning how to manage their stress and discomfort.

Baby Listening™ allows you to understand your baby’s needs as well as learn how to effectively manage them in the moment resulting in a happier, more settled baby.

Yes! Babies are welcome. There are often other parents attending with their newborns too!

Other sources will only teach you the 5 basic foundation words covering 5 individual needs. As a certified instructor, I am able to teach you over 20 needs that your baby can express to you from the day they are born in various combinations to form a sentence!. A baby naturally uses at least 2 and sometimes 3 at the same time to create sentences for you to decode and parent accordingly by using the techniques I am known for which I share in the workshops.

No! In fact, no sleep training of any kind should be done on a newborn baby. This is where this revolutionary baby language taught in my Baby Listening™ workshop teaches you everything that you need to move forward with nature rather than against it.

Not at all. It is your parenting foundation! If you learn this at the right time, you may never ever need any kind of added sleep help later! (yes you read that correctly!)

Yes, it certainly can if you can find it in yourself to trust your baby to lead you rather than the other way around.

Many parents have been conditioned to believe that a baby must be sleep trained in order to sleep well. This is not true unless the foundations set into place early on are not those that support sleep. This is where Baby Listening™ can transform your parenting journey.

This 4hr workshop teaches you to trust, as a family, that your newborn is capable of communicating with you from birth. Tuning in allows you to parent through confusing moments that most parents struggle with which result in a sleepless house as time goes on!

Should you happen to need a little extra guidance by the time your baby’ reaches their 4th month of age, I offer a discounted coaching package just for Baby Listening™ Graduates!

I share my Baby Listening™ workshop with every mama who gets in touch with me who has a newborn baby not because it is my course but because I am utterly passionate about it simply because I used it myself with my own son before I became a certified Baby Listening™ Instructor.

What I learned was enough to get me curious but it was not what helped me support my son’s sleep and get him sleeping 12 hour nights at the the of 10 months. At the time, my holistic sleep coaching skills were what got me to that! The Baby Language that I practiced allowed me to use only the very basic form of the language, 5 words to decode 5 needs.

As a certified instructor, I am able to teach you not 5 needs, but 25 needs being spoken by your baby!

This is a game changer for me in terms of where it sets you up as a parent moving forward, with sleep.

Becoming an instructor showed me the true magic abilities of this secret language and how it aligns perfectly with my holistic sleep coaching practices.

This is why I am so passionate about it! The more babies that can sleep amazingly without having to do any form of sleep training later means more babies well rested and developing optimally from birth!

Workshop ONE will be immediately available to you after payment. You may log in and begin watching immediately.
Workshop TWO will be released exactly 1 week after your payment date.
You will be notified by email, in advance that it is coming up so please be sure to include the email address from the first email that you receive into your address list to avoid the notification for Workshop TWO going into a SPAM folder.

The most optimal learning window for the language is from your baby’s birth up to 3.5 months of age (3.5 months of age at the time of the second workshop).

This means that you can learn from Workshop ONE and TWO anytime during your 3rd Trimester of pregnancy, up to when your baby turns 3.5 months at time of Workshop TWO.

If you have learned to decode and hear your baby’s needs during this optimal learning window research confirms that babies can keep using some of it up to 12 months. This supersedes both sign language & speech skill development. I myself have heard it being used in 6-7 month olds.

If you miss this learning window, your baby is unlikely to continue using this vocabulary past their 4th month due to them feeling you are not understanding them!

As such, the optimum learning window for you to learn with me is during the final months of your pregnancy or immediately after giving birth!

Please always use adjusted age for learning this Baby Listening™ Language.