Why a Holistic Approach?

I help my clients navigate the unchartered territory of sleep and parenting.

Everything matters when discovering deeper connections to self, from a place of love with no judgment.

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Why a Holistic Approach?

Holistic practices by nature, focus on “wholes” or relate to entire factors
affecting outcome rather than looking at individual parts to treat.

An example for instance is the practice of Holistic Ecology” where the *Miriam-Webster dictionary defines this as “humans and the environment operate as a single system”.

The certification process in becoming a Holistic Pediatric Sleep Coach is a bit different from the more widely available sleep training certification programs which for the most part, only provide minimal mainstream sleep strategies as their foundations.


What that means is there’s a disconnect between “method” and real life babies.

Most mainstream sleep courses ignore several all-important sleep markers, leaving professionals unable to fully support families with individualized approaches.

In my experience over the years, parents share with me they are disappointed with paid services from other professionals who they had hoped could show them a different way, than all the publicized methods in the myriad of books and online websites covering the topic.

The parents I work with are all very well read and know what’s out there.

Hiring a sleep coach who present’s you with all the information you already have read about can be really disappointing.

Have you ever felt like there only seems to be cookie cutter ‘methods’ out there?

You won’t find any one-sized-fits all “method” with me. Though I am often asked what my method is.



Holistic health and living is something that I have incorporated into my life for over 20 years.

I myself am a holistic mama too! I practice what I preach and my certification process included the interconnected aspects of pediatric sleep which weave a story between overall health, feeding, parenting philosophies, sleep biology all the way through to assessing parental mental wellbeing.

Holistic sleep coaching became my calling when I became a mother.

My inspiration came (and still does), from my fears as a new mother at the time, and my determination to be a well slept mama not a frazzled one!

My passion comes from the commitment I see in parents to do things out of the mainstream, cookie cutter, sleep training methods and practice respectful parenting instead.

I love seeing parents fall in love with good sleep just as much as me!

When I began I did this for me, now I do this for you & as many families that I can help!



With holistic approaches, be it for chronic health issues or sleep, there is no ‘quick fix”. Quick fixes for complex health and wellbeing concerns tend to provide temporary relief to an individual part of the overall picture.

Gaining a Holistic certification also means that we are very protective over the family dynamics and their effects on the entire family’s sleep.

I specialize in tapping into nature’s wisdom in order to get long term good
sleep results for you. I also teach you what it means to be emotionally aware and connected to these markers.


What Parenting Styles Best Suit A Holistic Approach To Sleep Coaching?

  1. Attachment Parenting
  2. Unconditional Parenting
  3. Spiritual Parenting
  4. Slow Parenting

By tapping into my knowledge and experience in various positive parenting styles I am able to provide additional support, which fully aligns with my sleep focused practices.


I help my clients navigate the unchartered territory of sleep and parenting.

 I believe that the more aware of all facets of parenting I am, the better I am able to address every family’s life at the time of coaching.

There can be tears, (sometimes from you too!), but I support you in helping you clear your own personal fears, hang-ups or triggers to ensure the most successful sleep outcomes for everyone.

Sometimes some respectful behavioural practices are required to accompany your little person through the changes but sometimes they’re not.

Everything matters when discovering deeper connections to self, from a place of love with no judgment.

Would you like to explore this more with me?